Location: Moscow, Russia
Size:  18979,2 м2
Project team: Stepan Kukharskiy, Alina Chereyskaya
Project year: september, 2014

   ALL YOU NEED IS is a project made for "Young Architects In Modern Development" competition, held during the international investment forum PROESTATE 2014. The main task of the competition was to create a concept design of a courtyard in a modern dwelling complex, adapting it for different groups of people. The most important creteria was for different zones to naturally coexist with each other.
   ALL YOU NEED IS is a concept of forming a courtyard space in one adaptive system, which becomes comfortable environment for people. System, which is able to change in time, depending on people needs, and is a self-sufficient structure, which is being installed with all the necessary elements of the environment. To achieve these goals we used parametric design approach and the idea of "isosurface".
   An isosurface is a three-dimensional analog of an isoline. It is a surface that represents points of a constant value (e.g. pressure, temperature, velocity, density) within a volume of space; in other words, it is a level set of a continuous function whose domain is 3D-space. (
   Isosurface is based on the location of the main functional zones on the site and the main transit routes across the site. Each functional zone has its own color, while the unifying structure is made in white color. Functional zones are formed these way:
  - central multifunctional space is located on the crossroad of two main transit axes;
  - near it there are 2 zones for teenagers;
  - also near the central space there are 2 zones for middle-aged people: one is active with different equipment for exercises and climbing areas, the other one is passive with Wi-Fi and a library;
  - 4 kids zones on the equal distances from the buildings;
  - 4 zones for elderly people with benches, chess-tables and flower-beds, close to the entrances of the buildings;
  - 4 zones for walking with pets. 
The isosurface is being actively used: the flowerbeds for growing plants, different equipment for kids, special steps for climbing are installed in it, on the top of it there are terraces, also the LED lights are installed in it, as well as solar panels to provide the electricity.