SA lab is an up-and-coming company, focused on architecture in the digital age. By using the computational design we develop an adaptive architecture that doesn’t have a final shape and easily reacts to any surroundings’ parameters, balancing between physical and virtual – it matters due to the highly digital world. We work with different scales and typologies: from pavilions to city planning, from apps to videogames.

About SA lab:

  • We mix architecture and IT

  • We create projects across the globe

  • We use AR, AI, 3D printing, digital fabrication and game design

  • The scale of projects varies from small architectural forms to redevelopment of urban areas

  • Our projects have been featured in a wide range of publications: CNN, Archdaily, Design Milk, Archinect, Dwell

  • We gave lectures and host workshops in TU Berlin, MARCH Architectural School, LiveAcademy

  • We stick to experimental approach in architectural design in real-life projects both in physical and virtual space.

We create architecture, landscapes and interiors, that can be changed in one click!