Location: Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Size:  100 м2
Project team: Stepan Kukharskiy, Alina Chereyskaya
Project year: may, 2015

SAlab team created a series of installations and street furniture in collaboration with Futura Architects, who are developing the environment design for a new dwelling area in Saint-Petersburg. There were given 3 small zones for the installations on the developing territory. The theme for formfinding , according to the idea of the architects of the dwelling area, should be "polar lights". Each installation has its own function - a pavilion, a pergola, a bench. The pergola is a construction on 3 pillars made of metall rods, which are suitable for vining plants. After some time it should become a nice place to have rest in the shadow of the plants. The bench - is a structure with 6 "petals" with a wooden top to sit on and vertical elements with an illumination. The pavilion is a waffle-like wooden structure, creating a secluded space, covered from one side and open from the other. Among the monotonous buildings this installations should become places of attraction and identification.