Location: Kazan, Russia
Size: 5,8ha
Programmatic: redevelopment
Architects: SA lab
Status: concept
Year: 2019


To redevelope the territory of a port silos turning it into a modern part of Kazan according to nowadays challendges and future needs.


To turn the territory into an IT hub.


Water proximity helps creating not only a city area with a visual identity but also with a bright functional idea.
The silos is like a lighthouse, massive landmark that stands right on Volga river. Also it’s a symbol of an industrial age. Technical features of the structure gave a tip on how to approach the site.


- monofunctional territory
- tough wind conditions
- insularity of the site
- no connections with the river


Territory transformation in accordance with today and tomorrow needs, based on silos structural and volumetric features.


Seed storage parameters are almost identical to the parameters needed for locating servers of a data-center. In the context of digitalization of the country data-centers will be a necessary part of the digital infrastructure.

The silos consists of monolithic and prefabricated parts. Monolithic part is transformed into a data-center with minimal interventions: adding floor slabs and technical openings in the lover part for cooling. The heated air from the servers is used for heating surrounding buildings of the area.

The roof is occupied with a public space for various events named “Cloud”.

The prefabricated parts will contain offices for stratups, co-workings and multipurpose halls. The building is 36 meters wide, to improve the natural light condtions inside it, the terraced facade solution is proposed. The new cocnrete framework inside with larger spans between columns will make possible later changes and transformations.

The silos tower is turned into a hotel.


New buildings designed in the area are laconic and neutral. Having different heights these buildings form multilayered silhouette from the river and a comfortable environment for future residents. Apartments are positioned on podiums with terraces that are connected on the first floor level.

The embankment area is formed by several zones and provides different functional scenarious. The lower part of it is designed with a river view restaurant, boat piers and gives an access to the water. It is connected with upper level via elevators and ramps. Upper level has a square and a park for different events.


There are 6 stages of the project development suggested:

  1. creating of a brand of the area by organizing conferences and various events, creating temporary structures and preparing territory for further steps;

  2. demolishion of the unnecessary structures, first step of silos redevelopment;

  3. silos renevotaion;

  4. new construction;

  5. embankment development;

  6. further advancement of the territory with the development of the neighbour sites.


The result of the project is a multifunctional environment, center of development of creative industries and innovative startups of Kazan. In a longterm perspective the suggested complex development will help transform the territory in accordance with the requirements if the Industry 4.0 and make a transition from an industrial to a digital society.